Yosi was around 70 years old and ran a large nonprofit. He was a little excitable by nature and not the most organized, but worked extremely hard, as did anyone who worked for him. He still runs this organization, which services tens of thousands of people each year and is well known throughout Israel.
My friend told me that Yosi had a severe case of Shingles for well over a month. He had been bed ridden for several weeks and was slowly getting better, but could use some help with the pain.
When Yosi called, he said that he was out and about, but taking six pain killers a day just to get by. They didn’t take the pain away fully but made it bearable. His main question was, “how soon can we meet?”
The next day when I knocked on his door, his daughter greeted me and asked me to have a seat saying, “My father will be home shortly”. Around five minutes later Yosi walked in, in the middle of a loud and animated cell phone conversation. When he finished he looked at me, took a deep breath, and said “ok, I’m with you.”
I asked him to sit down on one of the couches arranged in a U shape in his living room. As I started to chat about light topics my thoughts were on giving him a little time to breathe and calm down, hoping that this would help shift the highly energized atmosphere to a more relaxed one.
Before long Yosi launched into a detailed description of his shingles episode and the pain. We were off and running once again. He also asked about the process and gave his pain level as around an 8 on a scale of 0-10.
We moved over to a dining room chair and I placed my hand above his shoulder. “Can I start with some energy?” “Sure.”
Yosi, though deeply religious, had no experience with energy or metaphysical topics.
After a minute or so Yosi said that he was feeling more relaxed. Another minute or so and the pain was building once again, so it was time to move on.
We used free association to discover the emotions associated with the pain, anxiety and fear. The emotions were stemming from the stress of running the nonprofit and the employees. The people who came up connected with this were a group of people including himself.
The next step was launching into the QPR, Quantum Pain Relief, script.
The part of the script about God running things was easy in a way and yet difficult. It led us into a short discussion about divine providence’s intersection with our daily lives, in a very practical way.
When we got to the part about the choices made before coming into this lifetime, he became very quiet. “I never thought about these things” he said. So we discussed them a bit more to bring the concepts into his framework of understanding.
When checking in on the pain it was lower, about a five. So we went back to the beginning, found another connected emotion and went through the process again.
After finishing the script a second time I asked Yosi how the pain was.
“It can’t be that easy!”
“What, how’s the pain”
“It’s gone”
“I guess it can be. Really, no pain.”
We briefly discussed the major points in the session that he needed to focus on moving forward, together with love and gratitude. Still in disbelief, he walked me to the door.
Several weeks later we met on the street and Yosi filled me in on what followed the session.
The next morning, the pain still gone and him still in disbelief, he took one more pain killer, just in case. After several days some pain came back but much lighter than previously.
Though I told him to call if anything came back and that we would take care of it right away, he was very busy and never got around to it. Then one morning he woke up and all of the pain was gone.
The amazement and disbelief were still quite evident in his voice. I guess it can be that easy.