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What is Pain?

Pain is a signal, which most often comes through our bodies, to let us know that there is a problematic situation going on which needs to be addressed. The trick is that while it most often comes through on the physical level, the sources can be physical, mental, emotional, energetic and/or spiritual. This is why you can have two people with the same exact physical issue and one can be in intense pain and the other relatively minor pain, or pain free.

A woman lying on her back on a white rug with her hands covering her face

While pain is meant to be a defense mechanism, long term ongoing pain wears down the bearer on all levels and can completely incapacitate the person’s ability to function, and worse.


Pain has become a major issue in many societies today. The thing about many types of pain is that the doctors don’t know why it’s coming or how to resolve it. By the time pain is showing on the physical level it has usually existed on one or more of the other levels for a long time.

A man holds his shoulder with a grimace on his face

When we use pain killers it’s like putting a sticker over the red engine light on the cars dashboard so that you feel more comfortable while attempting to ignore the issue. But as we all know this just exacerbates the problem at hand.


The focus of QPR is identifying and resolving what’s behind the pain. Since the underlying issue is resolve the red dashboard lights go off on their own.

A woman, standing with her eyes closed, holding her jaw in pain.
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